Music Valley is located in West Mountain, Beijing (Xishan) which is a mountain area altitude lower than 800 meters. The annual average temperature is 2.5°C lower than Beijing city area. It is especially nice and cool in summer season with fresh air.


Climate in Beijing:

Beijing has semi-humid and semi-arid monsoon climate.

The annual average temperature, in plain area is 11 ~ 13 ℃, the mountain 800 meters below the sea level is 9 ~ 11 ℃, alpine mountains is 3 ~ 5 ℃. The highest temperature is generally between 35 ~ 40 ℃, while the lowest is betwwen -14 ~ -20℃.The temperature might rise up to  40℃ in the hottest month of July , and the coldest is in Janurary with the  average temperature of -4 ~ -5℃.

Rainfall is uneven in Beijing. Mountain area in North-east and South-West have larger amount of rainfall which is around 600-700mm; North-west and North mountain area has rainfall below 500mm. Other mountain area and plain area have about 500-600mm rainfall.

In summer the rainfall can be 3/4 of the total annual amount. The distribution of rainfall amount in all areas has the same pattern of annual rainfall: North-east and South-West mountain area have the largest rainfall amount while the other areas are much lower. 

opening hours
28 March -- 18 November
closed in winter
19 November -- 27 March
All are welcome to co-host all types of activities such as music festival,art exhibitions,creativity,summer camps,etc.
Please contact us:8610-88203846(9am-5pm)